
Artist Spotlight : Bluey Robinson

New Artist by the name of Bluey Robinson that recently signed with Sony Records.



Written in July of 2008 by me, didnt know how else to express myself during a dark time in my life. && the crazy part is these feelings never really faded.
(I apologize for the length)

she's hurt and confused, beaten and abused.
emotionally, mentally. never physically.
unless you count sexually
'cause shes been touched in a few places by a few faces.
nothing serious to most but in her world it was everything.
it left scars that would never heal a pain she would always feel.
many guys tried to ease her pain but she rathered to stay out in the rain.
drown in her sorrows with hopes for tomorrow
wishing on stars that didn't care.
then he came along.


On the Verge..

So i'm getting a tattoo very very soon. && anyone who knows me knows how much i love tattoos & how i've been fiending to get one for years. Over the years i've been looking for ideas because i need all my tattoos to b perfect & have meaning. While on my search i came across a few tats that i love & i thought i'd share them with you.


Followerssssssssss .

How do you get followers on this thing ?
cause i wish someone would care what i had to say enough to click the follow button.
or maybe i should just get a counter to see how many views i get ??