Formally known as Angel Lola Luv - video vixen/model has transformed into a rapper & her name is Lola Monroe. Now normally i dont support the whole video gurl turned anything other than hoe but i'm really feeling her swag. Definitely a Boss Bxtch in her own right ; or a Bosset as she calls herself. Her lyrics r kinda up there & her songs definitely b having me on my gangsta shxt. So yeaa aint much else to say, I love her [shes my body idol - i aspire to have a body like hers in the nxt year. dont ask] Newaysz yeaa so ima need yall to check her out. Her newest mixtape Art of Motivation is definitely on point. [link below] & follow her on twitter.
Enjoy !
She' IS TOTALLY Tryinq To Be Like Nicki Minaj